6 steps for end-of-winter and early-spring lawn care

6 steps for end-of-winter and early-spring lawn care

Mar 13, 2025

Spring is almost here! 
Warmer days are around the corner and like you, we are counting down the days. Soon the record-breaking amounts of snow will melt, and we can all finally begin the hard work of bringing our carefully planted lawns and greenspaces back to life. 
Early season lawn care is a crucial step in maintaining and enhancing the quality of the grass. Wondering where to start? We can help. Our team created the Mountainview Spring Prep Guide with step-by-step instructions on tending to your lawn this time of year.

The Mountainview Spring Prep Guide

By farmers, for you. 

Step 1: Tidy and observe

No lawn escapes winter unscathed. As the snow melts and the ground begins to thaw, take the time to inspect your lawn for damage and clean up miscellaneous debris. Look for brown patches, high-traffic areas or spots where snow was piled–as these areas will require reseeding.

Step 2: Get out the rake

Say good-bye to last years’ lingering leaves with a detailed raking. Be sure to rake the whole lawn, gently fluffing the grass as you go. This will help prevent an unwanted thatch buildup and generate much-needed air circulation.

Step 3: Mow your lawn

Weather warming up? When you notice your grass is starting to grow quicker this time of year,it is time for a thorough mowing. Cutting the grass will stimulate new growth, thwart weeds and help fresh air and sunlight better reach its roots. 

Step 4: Aerate the roots

During the winter, the soil compacts and this prevents air, water and essential nutrients from reaching the roots of your lawn. The solution? Aerating the lawn. There are a myriad of tools available to rent or buy, and aeration is included with any Mountainview Lawn Maintenance package.  

Step 5: Fertilize

Fertilizer is a critical component to spring lawn care. This important product delivers vital nutrients to the grass and its roots, supporting healthy growth. Fertilizer should be applied once overnight temperatures are consistently above 10°Celcius; soon, we promise. Looking for a recommendation? Try the Mountainview Spring Fertilizer, known for its fast release of nitrogen, it will jumpstart re-growth and bring on a fast and green grow-up.  

Step 6: Seeding 

Time to re-seed! Winter is a long, difficult season and this year saw record-breaking snowfall. The heavy weight of the snow, often compacted and icy, can create unwanted thinning or bare patches come spring. Wait until the overnight temperature is above 10°C for at least three nights in a row, and then apply seed, heavily in sparse areas,  for a dense, green and lush lawn. Explore the Mountainview Grass Seed Collection to find the right seed for your property.

As the winter draws to a welcome close, the Mountainview Team will be on hand to help all of our customers prepare for the hustle and bustle of spring yard work. Visit our in-person or online store to purchase fertilizer, grass seed, cedar mulch, or decorative rocks, or even a lawn care maintenance package. 


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