Children playing on grass during summer

5 Tips for the Perfect Summer Lawn

May 07, 2024

Summer is your lawn’s moment to shine, as it plays host to morning coffees, afternoon pick-up games, and BBQs with your closest friends. Help your lawn look and feel its best for its most important season with these summer lawn care tips. 

  1. Mow like a pro: When it comes to managing the length of your summer lawn, it’s all about striking the right balance between limiting the length cut off each time and mowing more frequently. Leave at least 3 inches to shield the grass from the intense summer heat, and mow more often to keep up with the length. Another option is to hire a grass-cutting service in your area for hassle-free maintenance.

  2. Watch your watering: Warm weather means your lawn maintenance routine should include providing your grass with a minimum of 1.5 inches of water per week. Luckily, summer showers may help you meet this goal. An easy trick to find out how many inches of rain have fallen is to leave some clean, empty tin cans around the yard, and measure what’s in them once the showers have stopped.

  3. Help with heat stress: Just like humans, too much heat can leave your lawn feeling withered and beaten down. Give your grass a break by cutting back on its use for a day or two, managing any aggressive pest infestations, and removing weeds by hand.

  4. Find a friendly fertilizer: Sunny days provide the perfect fuel for your grass to grow quickly, but how well it sprouts up all depends on whether or not it's getting the nutrients it needs. That’s where good fertilizer comes in. Picking a fertilizer primed to provide the right minerals for the season is the key to helping your lawn thrive and retain that green lushness you love.

  5. Timing is everything: Summer conditions mean some schedule changes when it comes to the care and feeding of your lawn. We recommend a gentler approach to fertilizing, utilizing our specially formulated summer blend designed to release a smaller quantity of nitrogen over a span of 12-16 weeks. This strategy creates healthy growth and minimizes the risk of nitrogen leaching into our precious groundwater or evaporating into the air, particularly during periods of high humidity. As for watering, we advise a daily routine, preferably in the early hours, to ensure the water reaches the roots before the sun's peak, thereby reducing evaporation and the risk of nighttime mold development on moist grass.

Help your lawn be at its best this summer with these simple tips. And when your neighbours remark on how green and healthy it looks, feel free to send them this article. After all, a green thumb is learned, and we all win when our natural space thrives too. 


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